-Sponsorship Representative will have a moment to introduce their brand before all desired events
and then introduce our official host.
-Sponsor mentioned (and thanked) before the event begins
-Sponsor will receive 8 VIP tickets to all LUC events
-Logos represented on Invite and all LUC marketing materials (logo will be larger than all logos represented)
-Sponsor mentioned in press release as Official Sponsor in both pre and post press of all events
-Approved marketing materials and posters will be allowed to be positioned in the venue
-If sponsoring alcohol: Sponsors beverages served at the event
-Sponsor mentioned (and thanked) before events begin
-Sponsor will receive 6 VIP tickets to all LUC events
-Logos represented on Invite and all LUC marketing materials (logo will be equally sized according to the
other logos represented)
-Sponsor mentioned in press release as Platinum Sponsor in both pre and post press of all events
-Approved marketing materials and posters will be allowed to be positioned in the venue
-If sponsoring alcohol: Sponsors beverages served at the event
-Sponsor mentioned (and thanked) before events begin
-Sponsor will receive 4 VIP tickets to all LUC events
-Logos represented on Invite and all print LUC marketing materials
-Sponsor mentioned in press release as Gold Sponsor in pre and post press
-If sponsoring alcohol: Sponsors beverages served at the event
-Sponsor mentioned (and thanked) before the events begin
-Sponsor will receive 2 VIP tickets to all LUC events
-Logos represented on Invite and all print LUC marketing materials (logo will be smaller than other
logos represented)
-Sponsor mentioned in press release as Silver Sponsor in pre and post press
-If sponsoring alcohol: Sponsors beverages served at the event
Sponsor a individual young ladies
10 week mentoring session.
**All other levels of sponsorship are open for discussion, as we would love to include anyone with passion to help the cause, while exposing their brand
Many thanks for your support!